spectral interpolation
This patch allows us to make spectral interpolation (morphing) between two 'Spear' files;
Using 'Spear'; analyze any length of sound, reduce the content of the spectrum by deleting partials below x magnitude{dB} and x length{sec}.
After you've downloaded the s p e c t r a l i n t e r p o l a t i o n f o l d e r
open ~/spectral-interpolator-help.pd
1- type 1 on the number box
2- choose the .txt 'Spear' file {departure}
3- type 2 on the number box
4- choose another .txt 'Spear' file {target}
5- send an init bang
6- start playback [you will hear the first sound character]
after these steps you can navigate between two sounds using the yellow slider.
for best results, both Spear files should have the same number of partials- & frame-count.
I used Dan Ellis' patch to import Spear files into Pd.
spectral interpolation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at aykutcaglayan.blogspot.com.http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/e4896/practicals.html#prac04
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