live sampling

This patch allows you to record live sound using the MIDI keyboard as a trigger [note-on message starts recording and note-off stops it].

After  d o w n l o a d i n g  this  f o l d e r 

open the ~/tables-live.pd (the 'tabplayer' file has to be in the same folder)

1- determine the number of seperate tracks (tables or samples)
2- press any key on your MIDI controller to start recording and release the key to stop it.
3- click on the corresponding cell of the 'horizontal radio' to start & stop the playback of the corresponding sample.

At each bang [note-on message],
the sounds are written into the next table [buffer] in any length [max 10 seconds; u can change it by changing the size of the table 'ses' in the |pd inside|

! this patch fails in synchronizing the recorded samples !

  Creative Commons License
live looping by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.


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