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Syn Metron #1

Syn Metron #1 Syn Metron #1 Here is a piece I've written in 2024 for 4-hands piano. Notes for aficionados While working on this piece I've generated catalog of all harmonies made of symmetric interval series. Click on the link symmetry_catalog.pdf to view the catalog. Harmonic constructions and related pitch sets are complementary; pitch sets are derived from vertical note assemblies: to be included in this catalog they both must be symmetrical i.e. to be non-retrogradable. The method is like this: compose a series of intervalls, which meets the condition to be symmetrical e.g. [4, 7, 3, 10, 10, 3, 7, 4] = [C2, E2, B2, D3, C4, A#4, C#5, G#5, C6] and transform it into a set starting with the base pitch of the chord [1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1]=[C, C#, D, E, G#, A#, B, C]. (Each note in the vertical structure is fixed to their octave.) To build vertical symmetries (i.e. chords) the smallest interval in use is 3 (minor third) and the biggest i...

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