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Vingt leçons d'harmonie

In 2023, I delved into Messiaen’s treatise on harmony and completed each exercise in the style of particular composers Hereby I share side by side Messiaen’s and my own renderings. 'Vingt Leçons d'Harmonie' by Olivier Messiaen 1. Chant Donné (in the style of Monteverdi) Messiaen's version my own version. 2. Chant Donné (in the style of Passepied of Rameau) Messiaen's version my own version. 3. Basse Donnée (in the style des chorals de J.S.Bach) Messiaen's version my own version. 4. Basse Donnée (in the style des chorals de J.S.Bach) Mes...

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